GOOD EVENING. If you've been part of our ragtag merry band of sporting idiots for a while, you already know what this next week brings: The 2024 Charity Bowl, in support of our friends and all the families at New American Pathways. If you're new here, please allow us to introduce you to Charity Bowl, and why it happens, and what it means to us:

The woods were right there, just breathing in and out of the dark apartment, the leaves rustling a little in the wind, the mosquitoes coming and going as they pleased.

We eventually got the window fixed, but it still got jammed in my brain: Kids slept in there every night, trying to dream in all that heat and darkness. They made it all the way here, only to find out firsthand that there are people in America who see a window and immediately search for a rock.

We've gone ahead and made that link public – no email list signup necessary to read – in the hope that you'll share it with your friends/colleagues/neighbors/rivals who wonder why you're spending the week bullying them into donating to refugee resettlement efforts in the name of your college football team.

In lieu of the usual massive Twitter FAQ thread, we've also put this document together (Michigan State fans, ask your grandkids) for you to share with your own networks, should you feel the inclination.

The action kicks off mid-Monday morning, via announcement on New AP's socials. We'll be camped out on the New AP Twitter feed all week, and please make that your first stop for any Bowl-related questions you can't answer via the FAQ. Don't forget to post your receipts online for bragging purposes (ALSO DO NOT FORGET TO REDACT THAT CREDIT CARD INFORMATION, BABES), and tag all your Bowl posts with #CharitibundiBowl so we can celebrate you.

Photo by Zuza Gałczyńska / Unsplash

With a football AND a debate title under their belt this calendar year, is this the season we finally ride the Wolverines (or your school) to a million-dollar week? Let's find out. Dazzle us, won't you?


S. & H.